Our Corporate Members

GS Engineering & Construction Corp

About us
The company was founded in 1969. Since then, as a result of concerted companywide efforts, GS E&C was incorporated into the DJSI Asia Pacific for the eighth consecutive year and ranked 22th among the top 250 global construction companies selected by Engineering News-Record (ENR) of the United States in 2016. GS E&C was also awarded the champion prize during the Annual Safety Award Convention sponsored by the Singapore Land Traffic Authority, and is recognized as a global enterprise with top standards.

GS E&C has set a 'Sustainable Global Company' as its Vision 2020. It has worked out its sustainability management strategies through its Sustainability Management Committee and Sustainability Management TF with the aim of 'the Pursuit of Growth through the Creation of Sustainable Values with its Stakeholders.' The company has set its strategic directions and action plans in keeping with its key pillar for sustainability management - 'the Triple Bottom Line (Environmental, Economic and Social Impacts)' - for consistent implementation of its sustainability management strategies.

GS E&C operates the Sustainability Management Committee to review its sustainability management activities while striving to effectively share the outcome with stakeholders. The Sustainability Management Committee is composed of outside directors and operates the Sustainability Management Task Force, in which various related departments participate. Those responsible for the implementation of sustainability management at GS E&C include the headquarters, the domestic and overseas subsidiaries and branch, project sites, and affiliated companies.

On August 4, 2010, GS E&C joined UNGC, a voluntary corporate initiative that promotes and encourages corporate social responsibility. By complying with the 10 Principles on human rights, labour, environment, and anti-corruption, GS E&C takes part in the promotion of the global guidelines on corporate social responsibility, and reassures the global community of its strong commitment to pursuing sustainability management.
GS E&C will continue to play a leading role in the promotion of the 10 Principles throughout the world. To that end, it will respect basic human and labour rights, strive to develop eco-friendly technologies and products as a response to the global environmental crisis, and intensify its preventive measures to eradicate corruption throughout its business practices.

DJSI evaluates the sustainability performance of the world's largest companies. The indices are recognized as the most reliable global sustainability benchmarks worldwide. GS E&C was incorporated into the 'DJSI World' in September 2010. It has since been incorporated into the DJSI World and the DJSI Asia Pacific for four and nine straight years, respectively.

GS E&C complies with ISO 26000, an international standard developed to help organizations address their own social responsibilities, with the purpose of contributing to building a sustainable future for all. The company has established an exclusive team devoted to the implementation of its human rights friendly management in the seven core subjects and issues pertaining to social responsibility, including organizational governance, human rights, labour practices, the environment, and fair operating practices. GS E&C also carries out diverse corporate community involvement and environmental protection programs. It regularly checks its progress in the worksites and shares it with its stakeholders.

The Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) serves as a global standard in the area of companies' environmental information including their climate change data. The CDP evaluates major companies' performance in emissions reductions, among others, through the data and questionnaire answers reported to CDP. In 2018, GS E&C has been awarded at Disclosure.

KCGS carries out comprehensive ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) evaluations of listed companies in Korea. In 2018, GS E&C received Class B+ in the overall evaluation and Class A in the area of the environmental performance.