Our Corporate Members

Sato Kogyo (S) Pte Ltd

About us
Founded in 1862, Sato Kogyo traces its roots to one of the oldest turnkey contractors in Japan.

Since its humble beginnings, Sato Kogyo has evolved into an international success story - having accomplished a wide spectrum of
building and civil engineering projects of varying nature, magnitude and complexity in Asia, Africa, Middle East, Europe and North America.

In 1972, the firm recognised the growing construction activities in Asia Pacific and spreaded its wings beyond the shores of Japan. Expanding rapidly in response to its success, Sato Kogyo sets up strategic offices in Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok, Phnom Penh and Yangon to capture the emerging markets.

Sato Kogyo traces its roots to one of the oldest turnkey contractors in Japan. Established in 1862 and headquartered in Tokyo, Sato Kogyo laid the cornerstone of modern building technology by focusing on and developing newer and more efficient construction methodologies that are still relevant around the world today.

Over a rich history of more than 150 years, Sato Kogyo has accomplished many building and civil engineering projects of varying scale, nature and complexity in Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, Myanmar, China, Indonesia, Vietnam, Ethiopia, Afghanistan, Middle East, Europe and North America.

In 1972, the firm recognised the growing construction activities in the Asia Pacific region and expanded its footprints rapidly beyond Japan. The strength of the Singapore Office has evolved into Regional Headquarters in 2002 to oversee the emerging East Asian markets. Over the last decades, Sato Kogyo has set up offices in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, Myanmar, China, Indonesia and Vietnam, where some of these offices continue to be active today.

Our Mission
Our mission is to build a world class organisation with international presence and strong emphasis on customer satisfaction in the delivery of design, engineering and construction services.

This is achieved in the spirit of our credo Total Project Excellence by adopting a total project management concept where every qualified and experienced expertise is committed to managing and executing projects in the most innovative and cost effective approach.

Our Spirit
Sustainability Determines Us

We aim to achieve economic and environmental sustainability through green building initiatives.

Passion Drives Us
We constantly cultivate a strong passion and determination to do our best.

Innovation Defines Us
We continuously acquire and apply knowledge to deliver innovative solutions.

Resilience Defends Us
We strive to be resilient to adapt to dynamic circumstances.

Integrity Dominates Us
We value integrity in our all business dealings with our clients, vendors and stakeholders.

Teambuilding Develops Us
We foster teamwork through mutual trust, respect and responsibility.

We, SATO KOGYO, aim to provide Total Project Excellence to all our clients. To achieve total customer satisfaction, we are committed to our 3Q and 1G focus:

Quality Services
We shall deliver quality engineering and construction services / products that meet or exceed our customers' expectations.

Quality QEHS System
We strive for continual improvements in our Quality, Environmental, Health and Safety (QEHS) Management System to:-

  • achieve compliance with applicable legislations, regulations and requirements;
  • eliminate hazards and reduce QEHS risks;
  • protect the environment and prevent pollution;
  • prepare against terrorism and potential crisis;
  • prevent injury and ill health, and
  • provide a safe and healthy workplace, and that everyone shall participate and be accountable for their workplace safety and health performance.
Quality People at Work
We shall motivate, consult, develop and train people working under the control of the organisation in a manner to provide quality services, protect the environment and create a safe and healthy workplace.

Green & Gracious Policy
We undertake to always adopt and consistently implement cost-effective Green & Gracious practices in all our projects with due regards to the surrounding work environment and to any concerns of the community and general public.