TUCSS Event-Details Page

TUCSS Monthly Seminar No. 233

TUCSS Monthly Seminar No. 233

21 April

  • 21 April 2022, Thursday
  • 18:30 To 19:30
  • Online

  • Thomson East Coast Line E1003 - Design Challenges and Solutions
Registration Closed

Event details

TUCSS Monthly Seminar No. 233 – Thursday, 21 April 2022, 6.30 pm


Thomson East Coast Line E1003 - Design Challenges and Solutions


by Nicholas Mace, Mott MacDonald Singapore, Technical Director – Geotechnics



When complete the Thomson East Coast Line will form a 43km route with 32 stations, making it one of the world’s longest driverless rapid transit lines, connecting the East Coast of Singapore to the North via the CBD and central shopping districts. Mott MacDonald performed the detailed design for Contract E1003 which stretches 6.5km from Marina East to Marine Parade and comprises Founders’ Memorial, Tanjong Rhu, Katong Park, Tanjong Katong and Marine Parade Stations. The Stations are connected by 4.3km of twin bored tunnel and 0.7km of cut & cover tunnel.


This presentation will cover the ground conditions encountered, the tunnelling strategy and the main challenges affecting the design and construction These challenges include tunnelling in recently reclaimed land, shallow tunnelling at less than one diameter in thick Kallang Formation, provision for future tunnel settlement due to road topping up, interfaces with existing road and sewer tunnels and ground improvement and deep excavation design.


Nicholas Mace is a Technical Director in Mott MacDonald with regional responsibility for Geotechnics. He has worked in Singapore for a total of 17 years. During that time he has been involved in projects including the Kallang-Paya Lebar Expressway, Circle Line, Marina Coastal Expressway, Downtown Line, Thomson Line and Eastern Region Line. Nicholas obtained his undergraduate degree from the University of Manchester and his PhD from the University of Southern California and is a Fellow of the Institution of Civil Engineers.

Time and Place

The presentation will take place electronically on Thursday, 21 April 2022 at 18:30 hrs. The presentation will take approximately 45 minutes, follow by 15 minutes of questions/discussion.



This is the 233rd in a series of presentations by TUCSS and is open to current TUCSS Members only. Seats are on first-come-first-served basis and limited to 500 persons.


Members are to sign up for the seminar via their TUCSS account on the TUCSS Website or TUCSS Mobile App. The details on how to access the seminar will be sent to the members who has successfully signed up for the seminar, at a date nearer to the seminar. The deadline for registration is on Monday, 11 April 2022 or when total registered participants reaches 500 whichever comes earlier.


TUCSS Corporate Members are limited to 5 registrations. For TUCSS Corporate members, please email us the following information to register (Name, TUCSS Corporate membership number, company name, email address, PE/RE/RTO number if applicable).


Attendance Policy

For members who require certificate of attendance, please note of the attendance policy:

-       Login at the beginning of the seminar (link will be assessable at 18:15 hours)

-       Evidence of participation by video switched on throughout the seminar

-       Complete the quiz at the end of the seminar before logging out. The duration for the quiz is 15mins.


Certificate of Attendance will be uploaded to the member’s account after the compliance to the Attendance Policy is verified.


Points have been applied and pending approval.



Note 1: Members are not required to indicate their names and TUCSS registration details through Chat function. Members shall not send messages through Chat function during the presentation.


Note 2: Higher no-show was observed at the last TUCSS monthly seminar. As there are limited openings for the seminar, members are urged to register for the seminar only if they can attend the seminar.


Note 3: For any suggestions/feedback to improve the online seminar, members are to email to the secretariat.


Thank you.