Hulme prize awards

The Hulme Prize was set up by TUCSS in 1999 to honour Terry Hulme, Honorary Member of TUCSS, for his outstanding contribution to TUCSS and Tunnelling in Singapore. It is an annual competition for the best technical papers from young engineers or students (below 35) on any subject related to tunnelling and underground construction.

First prize : Ms Venus Tan (click here for the paper)
Preliminary Study of Utilizing Machine Learning to Predict Cutter Wear in Tunnel Boring Machines
Second prize : Ms Rosemary Vong (click here for the paper)

Sustainable Underground Infrastructure Design using Innovative Artificial Intelligence (AI) Back Analysis

Third prize : Mr Podianko Surya (click here for the paper)

Design of an Innovative Single-Pass Tunnel Lining for Watercare's Central Interceptor Tunnel

First prize : Ms Ye Qinyi (click here for the paper)
Performance of Deep Excavation using Island Method – Temporary Beams and Buttress Wall Retaining System
Second prize : Mr Ng Wei Jie (click here for the paper)

From Runways to Tunnels: Navigating the Challenges of Tunnelling Underneath Singapore’s Changi Airport

Third prize : Mr Podianko Surya (click here for the paper)

TBM Face Pressure Calculation – A Review of the Industry’s Design Approach in Singapore’s Thomson-East Coast Line

First prize : Mr Ang Wei Jian (paper)
Parametric Design Study of Hybrid Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete (SFRC) in Singapore Cut-and-Cover MRT Structures
Second prize : Ms Caroline Teo (paper)
Evaluation of Over-Excavation for Earth Pressure Balance (EPB) Shields through Data Analytics

Third prize : Mr Bryan Chng (paper)
Underpinning and Tunnelling Undercrossing Keppel Viaduct using specialised cutter tools to cut the piles

First prize : Mr Fu Jiajun (paper)
Review of Investigation Methods to Determine Pile Lengths
Second prize : Mr Vincent Zillianstretra (paper)
Testing of a Muck Pumping System for EPB TBMs for Thomson-East Coast Line T307 Tunnelling Works

Third prize : Ms Amelia Loo (paper)
The Use of Classification Machine Learning for Cone Penetration Test Interpretation in a Singapore Context

First prize : Mr Ivan Sim Zhan Rui (paper)
Application of Ground Freezing for Mined Tunnel in T226 Marina Bay Station
Second prize : Mr Diwakar Velu (paper)
Undercrossing Live Tunnels in Parallel below the Water Table in an Urban Environment

Third prize : Mr Mark Smith (paper)
Productivity Analysis of Diaphragm Wall Construction in Jurong Formation

First prize : Dr Ruben Duhme (paper)
Excavation Management of Slurry TBMs - Long Term Operational Accuracy Evaluation
Second prize : Mr Russell Connors (paper)
Procedures to Minimise the Incidence of Decompression Sickness for Compressed Air Cutterhead Interventions
Third prize : Mr G. T. Senthilnath (paper)
Effects of Shallow Over-crossing TBMs on Existing Tunnels and Surface Movements

First prize : Ms F. Saffiyah Badurdeen (paper)
Large Diameter Pipe Roof Box Excavation for Passenger Linkway Tunnel
Second prize : Mr G. T. Senthilnath (paper)
Mined Tunnel Monitoring as a Part of Observational Approach - a Case Study
Third prize : Ms Jasmine Lim (paper)
Latest Development in Horizontal Grouting for Cross Passages in Thomoson East Coast Line C1-C2

First prize : Mr Yasuhiro Yokota (paper)
Evaluation of geological conditions ahead of a tunnel face using seismic tomography between a tunnel and ground surface
Second prize : Mr Elgin Toh (paper)
Development of Dual Crushing System for Slurry TBM in Bukit Timah Granite
Third prize : Mr Gerardo Agustin Pittaro (paper)
Use of Pressure relief wells to check ground improvement tensil strains in deep excavations

First prize : Mr Esen Sze Yu Sheng (paper)
Tunnelling Undercrossing Existing Live MRT Tunnels
Second prize : Ms Jinnie Oh (paper)
Development of 3D Numerical Analysis for Optimization of Ground Improvement Volume in Marine Clays with Application in Tunnelling
Third prize : Mr GT Senthilnath (paper)
Stacked Tunnelling Induced Settlements in Soft Soil

First prize : Mr Andrew Forsythe (paper)
Assessment of Hydraulic Conductivity and Groundwater Flow Models in the Bukit Timah Granite
Second prize : Mr Rueben Duhme (paper)
Multi-Mode and Variable Density TBMs Latest Trends in Developments
Third prize : Ms Thin Thin Aye (paper)
Design and Construction of Large Diameter Circular Shafts

First prize : Mr Russell Connors (paper)
Breakthrough and Burial of TBMs on the Brisbane Airport Link Project
Second prize : Mr Christopher Brook (paper)
Horizontal Directional Ground Investigation - Reducing Tunnelling Risks by Minimising Geological Uncertainty
Third prize : Mr Zhang Wengang (paper)
Reliability Asssessment of Stability of Underground Rock Caverns

First prize : Er Kee Ching Guan (paper)
Report on the Effects of the Base Grouting / DCM on Deep Foundation Bored Piles at Marina Bay Financial Centre
Second prize : Dipl. -Ing. Ruben Duhme (paper)
Utilizing Process Simulation for Planning of Mechanized Tunnelling Projects
Third prize : Mr Simon Low Yew Hup (paper)
Design Challenges and Performance Evaluation of Temporary Removable Ground Anchor in Old Alluvium - A Singapore Case History