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Engineers 2002 Private Limited

Engineers 2002 Private Limited formerly known as CH & Associates Consulting Engineers (Pte) is founded on the principle of excellence with the aim of providing the beset services to our clients.

 We commenced operation as a sole proprietorship company in January 1981 with manpower of five.  On the 15th of December 1992, we became a licensed unlimited corporation; thus named as CH & Associates Consulting Engineers (Pte). This move gave us the license to undertake turnkey projects. In year 2002, with new partner Er.Choo Kim Thong joining in us, we have renamed to Engineers 2002 Private Limited.   

 Since operation, we have provided professional Consulting Services in Civil and Structural Engineering for the planning, design and supervision of various types of building and civil engineering projects. 

 From June 1990, we added to our list the provision of Accredited Checker Services to our clients and from June 1995, the provision of Registered Inspector (Architectural) Services. 

 Our Managing Director, Er.Chen Hao, has over 40 years of engineering and architectural experience in the design and construction of projects primarily related to industrial, infrastructure, housing and warehousing complex development. Responsibilities have included contract management, field supervision and design of reinforced concrete buildings, foundation and steel industrial structures. Eight years of structural engineering experience related to the design of offshore platforms and the design and development of ports and harbour in Far East Area and Middle East. Responsibilities have included overall structural analysis of fixed offshore design of jack-up jetty, reinforced concrete wharf structures and the berthing system for oil tankers.

 Our projects encompass the countries in the Asia-Pacific Region namely Singapore, China, Taiwan, Thailand, India, Indonesia and Malaysia.

 Our team of qualified Civil Structural and Architectural Designers has in their command a wide scope of engineering & architectural experience in the building industry.