TUCSS Monthly Seminar No. 259 – Thursday, 13
March 2025, 6.30 pm
Lessons and Reflections
from two Challenging Projects
By Leslie Pakianathan, Advisor - Changi
East Terminal 5 Development
Two tunnelling projects at the turn of the century attracted the attention
of the industry worldwide. Both were completed successfully but with
substantial cost & time overruns and losses to insurers. These also had
significant influence on how future tunnelling projects were planned and
implemented in the UK and Hong Kong. In the aftermath the International
Tunnelling Insurance Group published “Code of Practice for Risk Management of
Tunnel Works” for better management of the risks and it is still in use today.
The two projects are the Heathrow Express (HEX) Railway tunnels in the UK and Harbour Area Treatment Scheme (HATS) Stage 1 (previously called the Strategic Sewage Disposal Scheme) in Hong Kong. HEX is a fast rail service between Heathrow Airport and central London while HATS is a deep level sewage collection and transfer scheme on both sides of the Victoria harbour. The presentation will cover the background to these projects as well as the lessons and reflections from the speaker’s personal observations and first-hand experiences. The HEX project was the first ever large project to adopt the New Engineering Contract (NEC) which is aimed at better project management whereas HATS Stage 1 was based on the traditional Government Conditions of Contract (GCC). The presentation will also compare how the two different types of contracts influenced the manner in which the projects were managed when they were in crisis and the learnings therefrom.
Picture: Heathrow Express Tunnel Collapse
Right Picture:
Harbour Area Treatment Scheme Stage 1 - Hand excavation at >100m depth below
the sea
He is at present a committee
member of TUCSS and a member of the ITA Governance Council.
Time and
The presentation will take
place at Stephen Riady Auditorium at NTUC Centre, Level 7,
One Marina Boulevard Singapore 018989 on
Thursday, 13 March 2025 at 18:30 hrs. The presentation will take
approximately 45 minutes, follow by 15 minutes of questions/discussion.
6.00pm Registration
6.30pm TUCSS Monthly
Seminar 259 on “Lessons and Reflections from two Challenging Projects”
7.15pm TUCSS Annual
General Meeting 2025
8.00pm Refreshments and
This is the 259th in a series of
presentations by TUCSS and is open to current TUCSS Members only. Seats are on first-come-first-served
basis and limited to 500 persons.
Valid TUCSS members can register via the registration link: click here. The deadline for
registration is on Wednesday, 5 March 2025 or when total registered
participants reaches 500 whichever comes earlier.
*TUCSS Corporate Members limited to 3 registrations only.
Points have been applied and pending approval.