Individual & Corporate Membership


Annual membership runs from 1 January through 31 December.

Individual Membership

Individual membership of TUCSS covers automatically ITA membership (through block subscriptions of TUCSS).
Individual can select their membership application/renewal  for 1 year, 3 years or 5 years. Annual Subscription is $30 per year.

Corporate Membership

Corporation can sponsor the society by becoming a Corporate Member, at an annual subscription of $750. For details on sponsorship and benefits, please contact the Secretariat.

Privileges and Benefits For Members


(applicable to individual and corporate members)


1.   Be aware of technical and professional development of members through meetings, seminars, conferences, lectures, site visits and other forms of communication and through study of tunnelling and underground construction practice

2.   Achieve closer personal acquaintance and spirit of cooperation among members through networking activities

3.   To be able to interact with other professional organisation in matters of common interest

4.   Get to know information on tunnelling and underground construction research and education and dissemination of tunnelling and underground construction related information; and

5.   To be able to advance the standards of tunnelling and underground construction practice



Individual members         Click here

Corporate members        Click here


Membership Category

By Cash/Cheque/Bank Transfer

By Credit Card



Click here to download renewal form


Click here to be redirected to the online form




Click here to download renewal form


Please contact the TUCSS Secretariat to receive the online link for payment.



Note: TUCSS Annual membership runs from 1 January to 31 December. TUCSS reserves the right to refuse membership to individuals or companies who have no apparent connection to the Tunnelling & Underground Construction Industry.
* A one-time administrative fee is applicable for Individual Member whose membership status lapsed for more than a year.  Administrative Fees : $30.00
* A one-time administrative fee is applicable for Corporate Member whose membership status lapsed for more than a year. Administrative Fees: $100